Testimony: A young man in our church came to me and shared a testimony about an incident at his home. He was sitting and listening to our radio, which was playing some preaching. Some of his neighbors saw him listening and asked him to turn up the volume so they could hear as well. After the message was over, he took the opportunity to share the Gospel with them. Three of them bowed their heads and trusted Christ as their Saviour. What a blessing it is to see the next generation of young people with a desire to share the Gospel!
Stadium Crusade: We are praising the Lord for an incredible Stadium Crusade this year. Thank you to everyone who prayed with us for this event. This year's crusade was hosted by First Baptist Church of Hammond, with FBMI bringing a team over to help run the crusade. People from all over the USA were part of the team. It was amazing how God knit everyone's hearts together as we worked shoulder to shoulder with our Tanzanian brothers and sisters in Christ for one common goal. We were blessed to see over 5,000 people at the crusade, and 838 people trusted Christ during this outreach.
Medical Clinic: In August, we held a mobile medical clinic at our church, partnering with local doctors, nurses, and a team of 41 medical professionals and volunteers from Medical Missions Outreach. Throughout the week, we were able to provide treatment to 2,370 patients. We had both a medical clinic and an optical clinic. Each of these patients had the opportunity to have the Gospel shared with them on a one-on-one basis. We are truly blessed to share that 766 individuals made the decision to accept Jesus as their Saviour.
We usually see tremendous fruit from these outreaches. We have already had many visitors to our services who first came to the clinic. Several even took the next step of getting baptized. Please pray that these new Christians will get grounded and continue to grow in their Christian walk.
Comings and Goings: Montana and Kellie Morrow have been serving with us for over two years, and they returned to the States in August for their first furlough. Although we will miss them, we are thankful for Andrew and Mary Butler, who have come to fill their place for most of their furlough, followed by a couple of young ladies who will be covering the remainder of the time. Please be in prayer for the Morrows as they travel, as well as for those who have come here to help the ministry in their absence.
These past couple of months have been extremely busy with two of our largest outreaches that we do during the year, as well as hosting many people from the States. Although we get tired sometimes, it is a "good kind of tired." Sometimes we just stand back in awe at what God allows us to be a part of. Thank you for being a part of this amazing journey with us.
Serving the people of Tanzania,
Jerry and Rachel Wyatt