2nd Graduation

2nd Graduation

 November 1, 2024

 November 1, 2024

November/December 2024

Dear Friends and Supporters,                                                                                                                                                     

Staff Outing: Tanzania has recently completed a high-speed passenger train traveling between our city and the capital city. This train has already been a huge blessing, as it turns a very dangerous four- to six-hour journey into a much safer journey of only one hour and forty minutes. Recently, we took our entire staff and their wives on an outing to our capital city. What a joy it was to see them enjoy the train for the first time—it was a first for them for many things, such as escalators, elevators, and automatic hand dryers! The women enjoyed doing some shopping, and the men battled it out on the go-kart track! It was a time of refreshing for us all. We are so thankful for the team that God has brought together, not only with our Tanzanian staff but also with Montana and Kellie Morrow.

Trip Home: We were blessed to be able to take a brief trip back to the States at the end of August and September. This was not a regular furlough but rather just a trip to reconnect with family, go to doctor’s visits, and “refuel.” One of the highlights was a family reunion on Rachel’s side of the family. All of her siblings and their families were able to be together for the first time in many years. With 31 cousins, there was never a dull moment for the kids! It was so refreshing to attend our home church for a few weeks and enjoy the fellowship of our friends and family there as well. We are blessed to have such a strong home church that stands behind us in every way.

Salvations: While we were Stateside, I crossed paths with many East Africans. I can always spot an East African even when they are in an “American” setting. It always makes me laugh to see the startled look on their faces when I walk past them in a store or somewhere and greet them in Swahili. A conversation is sure to follow, as they are overjoyed to find someone who speaks their native language. This has led to many, many open doors for witnessing to these people. While we were Stateside, God worked through divine appointments, and seven Swahili-speaking people came to a saving knowledge of Jesus through various witnessing opportunities.

Friend Day: Once we returned to Tanzania, we hit the ground running! We had our Baptism Sunday right away, followed by our Friend Sunday. What a tremendous day that was! We had over 830 in church, with 30 salvations and 4 baptisms. Our church members worked hard to invite their friends and family to attend church with them.

Business Seminar: Bro. Alfred Perez and Bro. Joe Wittig traveled with Dr. Ray Young to see our work here. While they were here, the Lord put it on our hearts to host a Christian business seminar. We were overwhelmed at the response we received from English-speaking businessmen and women who attended the seminar. These are great contacts for our English Sunday School. It was also a wonderful opportunity to share the Gospel with people whom we otherwise would not have a chance to do so.

Graduation: We were honored once again to have Dr. Ray Young come to preach our second Faith Baptist College graduation. We had two young men graduate this year. These men have shown tenacity and faithfulness as they finished their college education and are now more equipped to serve.

Your representatives to Tanzania,

Jerry & Rachel Wyatt