About US.

We are the Wyatt family, missionaries to Tanzania, East Africa, since 2007.

Our mission is to preach, teach, and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, following through with baptism and discipleship. With four small children, a growing ministry, and facing challenges of living on foreign soil, life is never dull. We strive each day to live a life that is pleasing to God through our person, family, and ministry. Scroll down to learn more about each member of this incredible team that God has put together!

Our Team.

Jerry & Rachel

  • Jerry

  • Rachel

Jerry was saved at a young age. He surrendered to preach at a tent meeting under the preaching of Tony Hutson. Jerry’s parents answered the call to missions in 1993 and arrived on the field of Tanzania in 1995. While in Africa, Jerry was always involved in the ministry by teaching out in the villages, public schools, Bible Clubs, and Sunday school. He also worked on the evangelistic puppet team that saw hundreds of people saved.

When Jerry was seventeen years old, he surrendered to go back to Tanzania. God’s calling was clear during a sermon at a Pastors’ School. Soon after surrendering, he enrolled at Hyles-Anderson College and graduated in 2007. While attending college, he captained a bus route and taught a boy's Sunday school class. He also worked for the dean of men on college staff for two of the years he was enrolled.

In January of 2009, Jerry, along with his wife Rachel, returned to Tanzania to serve the Lord. After working three and a half years as the youth pastor, Jerry became the senior pastor of the Faith Baptist Church Morogoro in 2012. Jerry is excited about the future of ministry here in Tanzania.


Birthday: December 14

Anniversary: July 6, 2007

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13

Favorite Foods: Cheeseburgers, Grilled Chicken, Bacon, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Beef Jerky, Trail Mix, Snapple
Hobbies: Spending Time with Family, Golf, Videography, Reading

Favorite Part of Living in Tanzania: People's Openness to the Gospel

Misses the Most About America: 
American Restaurants!


Birthday: September 28

Anniversary: July 6, 2007

Bible Verse: Genesis 6:8

Favorite Foods: Pizza, Chicken, Iced Coffee, Butterscotch Chips, Skor Candy Bars, Dr. Pepper
Hobbies: Spending time with family, Graphic Design, Organizing, Reading

Favorite part of living in Tanzania: Relaxed lifestyle providing lots of family time.

Misses the most about America: 
Family, Friends, Cleanliness!, Conveniences of grocery stores, malls, etc.

David Jerry

14 Years old | 10th Grade

David is the oldest of the Wyatt children. He is mature and responsible and is a great help around the house and with his younger siblings. David accepted Christ as his Saviour when he was 4 years old and was baptized shortly after. He is a very wise young man and seeks to please the Lord and his parents daily.

David is in 10th grade and enjoys school very much. He is an exceptional reader and can memorize things very quickly. David is taking piano lessons and enjoys picking out songs to play by ear.

David loves living in Tanzania and has many friends. He has learned Swahili well. He often invites people to church in Swahili and loves going with his dad on visitation.

Birthday: November 5, 2010

Grade: 10th

Bible Verse: Proverbs 22:15

Favorite Foods: Pizza, Subway, M&Ms, Gum, Twizzlers, Gummies

Hobbies: Riding Bikes, Playing Soccer with Tanzanians, Piano Playing, Basketball

Favorite part of living in Tanzania: Being able to be independent.

Misses the most about America: 

Kate Dianne

12 Years old | 8th Grade

Kate is the second born in the Wyatt family. She is funny, spunky, witty, and independent. Kate accepted Jesus as her personal Saviour when she was 4 and was baptized a few weeks after. Kate enjoys being a "mother" to Lauren and is a big help around the house. She helps set the table, clean, and care for her siblings.

Kate is in 8th grade and is learning very quickly. She loves writing, reading and crafting.

Kate loves the simplicity of life here in Tanzania. She has a special spot in her heart for animals and is always trying to make friends with the many cows and goats that roam the streets. Kate enjoys helping to watch the little ones during church.

Birthday: June 13, 2012

Grade: 8th

Bible Verse: Joshua 1:9

Favorite Foods: Fish, Beef Stew, Gummies, Lollipops, Chocolate, Cheez-its

Hobbies: Riding Bikes, reading, Cooking, Crafts, Having special times with Mom.

Favorite part of living in Tanzania: Being able to spend lots of time with Dad and Mom.

Misses the most about America: 

Andrew Brooks

10 Years old | 6TH Grade

Andrew is our little live-wire. Full of energy, spunk, and mischievousness, Andrew keeps us on our toes! He is a bright and fun-loving little guy who can charm the hardest of hearts. He brings much joy and laughter to our home each day!

Andrew is currently in 6th grade. He has a special knack for arithmetic and loves figuring it out "in his head"....just anything to keep from having to write something on paper! 

Andrew loves airplanes and anything that can fly. He loves playing with his Tanzanian friends; Jonathan, Charles, and Iesha. He goes early on Sunday mornings to help set the up the church for services.

Birthday: June 20, 2014

Grade: 6th

Bible Verse: John 3:16

Favorite Foods: Pizza, Chicken and Fries, Beans and Rice, Goldfish, Gummies, Lollipops,

Hobbies: Riding his bike, Catching bugs, Magnatiles, Remote control anything!

Favorite part of living in Tanzania: Everyone is friendly!

Misses the most about America: Cousins, Toy stores!

Lauren Rachel

8 Years old | 4th Grade

Lauren is our little sweetheart. Lauren, like her three older siblings, was born in the capital city of Dar es Salaam. Each day, her little spunky spirit brightens up our home.  Lauren is all things girly. She loves princesses, sparkles, rainbows, and the color pink. She loves getting "all prettied up" for dates with daddy.

Lauren is in 4th grade and is doing well in school. She loves to read and write stories.

Lauren adapts well to life here in Tanzania. She loves befriending little Tanzanian children and is always asking us how to say things in Swahili.

Birthday: August 19, 2016

Grade: 4th

Bible Verse: Proverbs 12:22

Favorite Foods: Beans and Rice, Spaghetti, Pizza, Twizzlers, Gummies, Goldfish

Hobbies: Coloring, Crafts, Playing princess, Playing dolls, Playing outside

Favorite part of living in Tanzania: Tanzanian Friends

Misses the most about America: Playing with Cousins

Family Videos.